Ewing High School Class of 1978
Reunion form

Please print, complete and return this page (even if you can’t make it).  Thank You.

Name: _____________________________________________ Maiden Name ___________________________

Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________

City:________________________________ State: __________ Zip:_________________

Email address: ______________________________________________________________________________

Phone Number: ____________________________ Cell: _________________ Work:______________________

Optional info:
Spouse or Significant Other:____________________________________________________________________

Occupation: _______________________________________________________________________________

Children, Grandchildren or Pet Info: ______________________________________________________________


Music Requests: ____________________________________________________________________________



# Attending ________ Will Not Attend _________

Please make checks payable to: EHS Class of 1978 Reunion

Mail to:; EHS Class of 78 Reunion c/o Dr. Diane Navarro, 201 Scotch Rd, Ewing NJ 08628-2511

Mail check to reach us by November 14, 2008

Any questions please contact Kathy Cappello Clancy at 609-462-6231 or the email below.

Ewing High School Class of 1978 Reunion Committee